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Create, you shall
connect, you must.

-- not YODA

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. 


Edith Wharton



Two ears and one mouth...there are no known writings by philosopher Epictetus, only what's been transcribed as "we have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak." A sound interview technique.

Promo writing/producing is a lot like parenting a kid that never wants to leave (the store, a party)-- you have to time things right but most importantly, leave them wanting more.

  From :30 spots to 40+page scripts, it takes practice and passion to write (and edit) in a myriad of ways that communicate effectively no matter the format or audience.

Thanks for perusing and reading this far, in which case a hockey icon appears to be an anomaly as my professional work portfolio doesn't include many (or any) sports spots, yet…


There are days when I'm an early bird and times when I'm a night owl...

and sometimes, the candle burns at both ends.  


My process is to take in data (from research, technical specs, a myriad of computer-driven acronyms) while paying attention to details (like tone, look, feel), then communicate and collaborate in order to create.


An early entertainment diet of Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me (NPR), NHL (Devils, Rangers) and The X-Files has been enhanced by all things Star Wars, Lego®, Lore (podcast) and the Seattle Kraken.

  Along the way, I've picked up the violin, cameras, microphones, and paint brushes (inspired by Prendergast's watercolors or works in oil by The Eight).


And at my core I'm all noodles and bao, which is why I run and have completed 3 marathons (hoping to complete a few more) along with dozens of 5-10K's (for events and charities). It's not about the "runner's high" or due to natural athleticism (I fail to possess any)-- it's purely for the carb loading and post run boba.


As much as I enjoy screens of all types (IMAX down to the iPhone), my mantra is "Before you stare, get some air"... which is why every day starts with a dog walk and most weekends include a hike. 

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